Tuesday, June 25, 2013

... (Poem)

Black and White Slices of Silence by Nathan Wirth

Do you know it?
That loud echo with your thoughts in between
That deafening roar with no substance
That moment when your mind races against itself
That second when perfection replays
That instance where ‘couldawouldashouldas’ become ‘done’
That space that ingenuity fills
That place where evil comes to life
That long thread that strings the unfamiliar together
We love it. Like it. Crave it. Sometimes.
It’s golden
It’s silence

Pay Day (Poem)

From Trendy by Chidy Wayne on Behance.net

Oh no!
It’s that week again
The week before payday
When I glance at my web of debts
And marvel at the well spun threads
Then I see an exact sum on my check
As my mind deducts the wreck
And how I’ll gnaw at what’s left
Oh, well!
What can I say?
I need a higher pay!

Unsurity (Poem)

Trendy on Behance.net by Chidy Wayne

Left, right
Blind, sight
My eyes do the query dance
Hoping for wisdom’s chance
To lead the way
And not stray
The light finally called my name
But my foolishness prevailed.
So, I haven't written in a while because of the many blessings, disappointments and uncategorizable situations going on in my short life so far. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that I write more and put more of my scribbles out there. 

Hummingbird by Luke Bugbee